Start Your Day Right: A Simple Gut-Healing Morning Routine

Good digestion starts before your first bite of food!
If you’ve been experiencing sluggish digestion or long-term constipation, a simple morning routine can help reset your gut and support regularity.

 Hydrate First: Before reaching for coffee, start your day with a glass of warm or room-temperature water to wake up your digestive system and get things moving.

 Sit & Relax on the Toilet: Even if you don’t feel the urge, sitting on the toilet at the same time each morning (ideally after hydrating) helps train your body for regular bowel movements. Think of it as setting your internal clock!

 Add Gentle Movement: A few minutes of stretching or light yoga can help stimulate digestion and improve gut motility. Focus on gentle twists or deep belly breathing for an extra boost.

 Plan Your Fiber Intake: Aim to include fiber-rich foods in your meals throughout the day, like oats, chia seeds, or fruits. Consistency is key to supporting regularity.

 Fuel with Gut-Nourishing Nutrients: A fiber-rich breakfast with whole grains, good fats, and fruits and vegetables can make a world of difference. But if breakfast isn't really your thing you can always mix Motion Potion into a smoothie or water for an easy, effective way to support gut health every morning. Check out what we put in our breakfast smoothie each morning 👇

Small habits like these can lead to big changes! Plus, don’t forget: we offer FREE shipping Australia-wide on orders over $85, so it’s easy to stock up on Motion Potion and stay consistent with your gut health journey.