Refund & Returns Policy

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Yes, if you're not happy, we're not happy. This is why we'll happily give you your money back on any Health Kultcha product. All we ask is that you try our products and if you are not completely happy, simply return the items within 30-days from the date of delivery and we'll refund you. 

Refunds can only be issued to the method that was used to pay for the order and all you have to do is arrange for the products to be shipped back (at your cost) and you'll receive your refund.

If you purchased one of our products through a retailer, please contact them directly to organise a refund/return.

Simply email us at you'll need is your order number and the email used when the order was placed and our team will reply with detailed instructions on how to return your item for a refund.