This magic potion helps you create the perfect poo, every time. With a combination of Naturopathically formulated high quality ingredients that soothe, cleanse, strengthen, and recolonise the gut.

Experience what it’s like to have fantastic digestion. Trust us. There a few things in life better than starting everyday with a great big fluffy, easy to pass poo!

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Buy Motion Potion powder and capsules online by choosing from the selection below. 

9 products found in Motion Potion by Health Kultcha

150g Motion Potion
150g Motion Potion
  • $34.85
250g Motion Potion
250g Motion Potion
  • $54.85
600g Motion Potion
600g Motion Potion
  • $109.70
100 Motion Potion Capsules
100 Motion Potion Capsules
  • $59.95
200 Motion Potion Capsules
200 Motion Potion Capsules
  • $98.95
Poo Detectives Pack
  • $5.00
Motion Potion for KIDS 250g Powder
  • $54.95
  • $74.00
Poo Detectives Book By Lisabeth Gavins (AKA the Poo Lady)
  • $24.95